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In the Lifeguard program, about 100 of the 150 juniors who participate in the program are from the western side of the city.

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Black Section Separator

Southampton Town held the largest ever junior lifeguarding tournament on Saturday, with 150 kids taking to the sands of Ponquawag Beach in Hampton Bays.

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Black Section Separator

Future lifeguard candidates will have kids competing in events such as running and swimming relays, simulated rescues, paddleboard races and more.

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Black Section Separator

It was to teach safety to the youth in and around the water, which should be a good sign. Future, generations

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Black Section Separator

There are three different age groups that are part of the program. The youngest group, the Nippers, is for 9-10 year olds. Which is run by lifeguard Elena Mugno

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Led by lifeguard Mackenzie Mahoney, 11 and 12 year olds become more involved in small scale rescue and the different techniques used to save people in the water.

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The largest group of 13- to 15-year-olds are shown the most realistic scenarios of water rescue, led by both Zafuto and Kylie Kaiser.

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Black Section Separator

Help prepare the oldest guards to take the lifeguard test at age 16. So that people can be saved from water in trouble, it can be a bit difficult.

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Black Section Separator

One of the most popular children's programs offered by the Town of Southampton is the Junior Lifeguarding programme, first introduced in 1995.

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Black Section Separator

The program runs for five weeks at various beaches in the city and is the culmination of what the juniors have learned up to that point.

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Black Section Separator

This program includes direct lifeguard curriculum and testing. Children applying for jobs are prepared to become real lifeguards.

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