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Asthma is not just a childhood condition; it can develop at any age and persist throughout adulthood. 

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Asthma is not caused by emotional factors alone; it is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. 

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Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be effectively managed with proper treatment and self-care measures. 

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Asthma medications, such as inhalers, are safe and necessary for controlling symptoms and preventing asthma attacks 

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Asthma is not contagious; it cannot be spread from person to person through physical contact or airborne transmission 

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Asthma is not purely an allergic condition; while allergies can trigger asthma symptoms in some individuals, non-allergic triggers like exercise, cold air, and respiratory infections can also induce symptoms. 

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Asthma is not a sign of weakness or poor physical fitness; even highly trained athletes can have asthma and participate in sports successfully with appropriate management 

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Asthma attacks are not always preceded by noticeable warning signs; sometimes, they can occur suddenly without any apparent triggers. 

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Asthma does not restrict individuals from leading active and fulfilling lives; with proper management, most people with asthma can engage in regular activities and exercise. 

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1. Asthma cannot be self-diagnosed; a proper medical evaluation and diagnosis are essential for accurate identification and management of the condition.